USA-Dealer is an American trading company dealing in:
  • Heavy Equipment» 
  • Trucks & Vehicles
  • General Merchandise» 
  • Motorcycles»
  •  Boats
  • NEW Sewing Machines
  • USED Sewing Machines
  • Sewing Supplies
  • Cutting Room» 
  • Pattern Making Tools

Heavy Equipment
Whether you are a local customer looking for a trailer or a customer on a customer in the middle east looking for a crane, we are here to to help you. Yes, we help you to load your containers and ensure your equipment will arrive safe.

Industrial Sewing Machines
We have been in the business of sewing machines for decades. Through out the years, we have become of the largest suppliers of sewing machines in Los Angeles California. We carry many brands and types of sewing machines.

Pattern Making Suppplies
We have added to our inventory a great selection of pattern making supplies, rulers, scissors, pattern making paper etc.

General Merchandise
Hundreds of items are on sale at our section for general merchandise. We have many items to sale as well as we buy complete factories to liquidate their items. So, their loss is your gain.

Trucks & Vehicles
Looking for a reliable heavy duty truck or vehicle and at the same time a good price? You are in the right place. Day to day we receive merchandise from many sources, and pass the savings to you.

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